
Best Baby Carriers
Written by: Ali Weiss, CEO and Mom of 2
Published: February 08, 2023
Does your little want to be held and carried all day long? Mine too! But, sometimes (a lot of times), we need to get things done—from prepping bottles or food to adventuring on a hike. I didn’t really embrace carrier life with my first daughter, but with my second (and two under two) it was a necessity. So, I’ve tried a carrier for every occasion! Here’s what I found.

Osprey POCO Child Carrier
Best for hiking and outdoor adventures, a must-have for active families who want to get out and explore with their littles. Its aluminum frame makes it feel lightweight but it’s also sturdy enough to last from 6 months through toddlerhood. My 16-month old, Noa, LOVES taking in the sights, and I love that we get to enjoy nature together as a family. The compartment where the baby sits is super safe and cozy and so comfortable - Noa has even fallen asleep in it. The shade canopy is legit and very easy to use, and I like that there are pockets to store diapers, wipes and snacks so we don’t need to carry another bag.
$42 / mo.

BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Mini
You can use this from day one without any complicated wrapping, tying, or inserts. Its simple design is easy to use, secure and very soft. It is so nice to be able to have a little more freedom in the early days when your baby wants to be held all the time (and you want them close) but they’re sleeping a ton and you have things to do. My favorite wintertime hack is putting the carrier underneath a winter coat to keep your little one nice and warm. Using a carrier is also a great way to help prevent flat spots by getting your newborn off their back and letting them nap on you. This one is so easy to unfasten you can even attempt to make “the transfer” (the holy grail of moving your napping baby from your body to their crib) without waking. This is probably my most used baby item in the fourth trimester.
$15 / mo.

Ergobaby Omni 360 Baby Carrier
This one is the best all-around carrier - it's super versatile because you can face your baby inward when they are young and then turn them outward so they can check out their surroundings once they have the head control. As they get older you can opt for the side or back carrying positions so this carrier can last a few years. Its name says it all—with ergonomic lower back support for the parent, it helps distribute the weight of the baby through your hips so you can comfortably wear your baby for hours. This is the chef's kiss of carriers.
$25 / mo.

MiniMeis Shoulder Carrier
Most loved by Dads - this carrier was made by Norwegian Dads and went viral a couple of years ago, and it’s a great conversation starter when you’re out and about. This carrier is unique because it’s a shoulder seat vs. a frontpack or backpack style carrier. It’s like getting a ride on your shoulders—your little can enjoy a great view from above, but it has added safety and comfort features so they can enjoy the ride for longer. It’s fun and innovative and folds up for easy storing. Makes for a great second carrier during shorter trips out.
$25 / mo.

Artipoppe Zeitgeist Arrow Zorro Baby Carrier
The chicest carrier - this one is for the style conscious baby wearer. It’s both gorgeous and functional (and also beloved by celebs). This is one of those pieces that feels like it honors my pre-parent lifestyle with my new reality of always having a sidekick in tow. I can dress it up or dress it down, and it's comfortable, modern, and sustainably made. Definitely a chic and practical option for both mommy and baby!
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