baby sleeping in bassinet
Best Sleep Products
Written by: Brittany Sheehan, Sleep Consultant and Mom of 3
Published: February 08, 2023
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Few things are as life changing for new parents than the moment their baby finally starts sleeping through the night and taking solid naps. After all, sleep is not just one of the foundations of health, it is the foundation of health. It's hard to make yourself a healthy salad or go for a run if you’re operating on two hours of sleep. While I love hearing that my client's babies and toddlers are finally sleeping, the most rewarding part of my job is when parents tell me things like "We haven’t gone on a date night in six months and we finally did last night!" or "Bedtime used to be so stressful, and how we really enjoy it. He seems so much happier and more relaxed!" It’s the positive ripple effect that quality sleep has for the entire family. 
When it comes to sleep products, I strongly suggest renting my favorites from Loop. The best products are often pricey, but you don't need them for a long time. Even more importantly - they often take up a ton of space. I wish I could’ve rented these with my first baby when we were living in our small NYC apartment!
Brittany Sheehan is the founder/owner of Brittany Sheehan Sleep, and sits on the leadership team at the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants. Learn more about Brittany & her services on her website, Instagram, and her popular parenting podcast, The Snooze Button.
Baby using the BabyBjörn Travel Crib
BabyBjörn Travel Crib
BabyBjörn Travel Crib Light + Sheet
My absolute favorite pack n play. Perfect to ship to Grandma's house so you don't need to lug it with you for travel, if you have friends in town and need an extra place for someone sleep, or your 2nd baby is ready to move out of the bassinet and you don't want to move your toddler out of the crib just yet!
Yogasleep Travel Sound Machine + Carry Case
Yogasleep Travel Sound Machine + Carry Case
Planning your first trip with baby? Talk about an amazing deal - you can rent a travel sound machine at the fraction of the price, and won't have to worry about it cluttering up your house when you get home and no longer need it! I highly recommend ensuring your baby has a similar sleep environment no matter where you go, and this will help you get that.
Illustrative toy box assortment
Loop Toy Box (0 - 24 mo.)
I know, not the product you'd expect on a sleep list. But a key sleep factor is making sure your baby has a full and engaging day before their sleep times. Kids lose interest in toys so quickly. I love the idea of a few items that are perfect for their exact age that you can swap out for new things as they grow! They'll have lots of fun engaging with the toys and be ready to sleep when the time comes.
Babyzen Newborn Pack for Yoyo+ Stroller
Babyzen Newborn Pack for Yoyo+ Stroller
When your baby is a newborn, sometimes you have to walk to help calm them (and yourself!) The newborn pack is such a clutch product that you only need for a few months. I remember long, LONG walks trying to get my newborn to calm down while keeping myself sane. Once your baby outgrows the newborn stage, the Yoyo is still is my go-to stroller for travel!
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