hatch baby grow smart changing pad in grey
Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad Review
Written by: Lauren Reinhard
Published: December 16, 2022
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The Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad & Scale is a convenient changing area that also weighs your baby. Tracking your little one’s weight during the first year of life is important. Their weight reveals important health information about their nutrition, feeding habits, and development.
But does this product live up to the hype? Here’s our full Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad review.
What It Does
This product is a smart changing pad and scale combined into one gadget. The goal is to provide new parents with an easy way to track their infant’s weight. It’s even more convenient because it doubles as a changing surface. This way, while you complete a diaper change, you can also see your baby’s weight.
You use an app on your smartphone to check your baby’s weight. Another cool feature of this smart baby scale includes tracking how much your baby eats in a single feeding session. You simply press a button on the app, weigh your baby before and after feeding and check the results.
Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad Cost
The Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad costs $150 at retail price. This can be a steep cost for parents of infants, especially combined with all of the other baby gear you need in the first year.
You’re probably reading this to figure out if you should spend your hard-earned cash on this gadget. We have the Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad pros, cons, and everything in between. You can use this information to decide for yourself whether this smart changing pad is worth purchasing.
The Benefits
There are several pros to owning this smart baby scale. It uses familiar modern technology to give you peace of mind about one aspect of your child’s growth and development.
Most parents have to wait until doctor’s visits to know how much their babies weigh. Being able to check your little one’s weight at any time is extremely convenient for new parents.
Track Your Baby’s Nutrition
The feeding measurement feature of this smart baby scale is excellent for tracking how much nutrition your baby is getting. This is especially useful if you breastfeed or your baby has issues with spitting up. The scale allows you to see just how much your baby is consuming, which can help them thrive as they grow and develop.
Convenient Changing Spot
Every new parent knows how tricky diaper changes can be. This smart changing pad can go with you in public if you need a changing station on demand. This changing pad provides an even, smooth surface for diaper changes, so you can keep your baby clean and happy everywhere.
The changing pad doesn’t have nooks or crannies for bodily fluids to get trapped. This makes it a sanitary option for changing your baby, especially if you clean it regularly. The smooth surface can easily be wiped off with a disinfectant wipe or household cleaner. You don’t have to worry about bacteria buildup in your child’s changing area.
The Downsides
No product is perfect. When discussing the Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad's pros, cons, and various uses, it’s important to know the potential downsides. After all, this smart changing pad costs a pretty penny. Here are the cons of this smart changing pad and baby scale.
You Must Use the App
Parents might find it a little tricky to navigate the app while babies are on the changing pad. When babies grow into their active wiggly phases, diaper changes are already pretty difficult. Using an app on your phone during the process can complicate things. However, there is no other way to get your baby’s weight from the scale; you have to use the app.
The Scale Needs a Perfect Surface
If you place the scale on any surface that isn’t perfectly even and smooth, you’re likely to get inaccurate readings. This poses an obvious problem since you need accurate measurements of your child’s feedings and weight.
Inconsistent readings can cause more stress for you in the long run. To get the most out of this smart scale and changing pad, you must follow the exact placement instructions in the manual.
It’s Expensive
You have to buy so much in the first year of your baby’s life. It can feel overwhelming trying to come up with the cash for all of the necessary furniture, toys, and gadgets. Luckily, you don’t have to buy the Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad & Scale at retail price.
With Loop, you can rent smart tech baby products for low prices each month. You save money by renting the gear for as long as you need it and returning it in good condition. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to keep track of your baby’s weight. Skip the retail prices and rent your baby’s smart scale with Loop today!
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